Sustainability in tourism 2023


Sustainability in tourism in Costa Rica? Let’s be honest

now. How far does our contribution really go when it comes to environmental protection and sustainability? In everyday life probably so Lala.

One or the other time we will be plagued by a bad conscience and wake up. But on holiday? We are supposed to be doing well and we don’t want to do without. After all, we always do without the whole year anyway.

Gentle tourism

But what exactly does soft tourism mean now? Basically one understands „sustainable tourism“ and thus a form of travel that pursues 3 essential concerns:

  • Have as little impact as possible on the local nature or to possibly harm it.
  • Experience nature as close, original and intensive as possible.
  • Adapt to the culture of the country visited.

In addition to the ecological aspect, the socio-cultural and economic aspects also play a role here. According to the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), tourism is sustainable if its present and future economic, social and environmental impacts are fully taken into account and the needs of visitors, industry, the environment and local people are integrated. Super approach, isn’t it? And where exactly can this form be found now?

After years of working in the gastronomy and hotel business, including various self-employment activities, I thought I wanted to immerse myself in it and experience it up close. What does that mean for the guest? And what for the hotelier?

Sustainability in tourism 2023
solutions of waste management

Sustainability in tourism – Costa Rica

So I started my research on ecotourism. After various „Google“-rounds a lot of a name very often, namely „Costa Rica“. For years there was already set on „Eco-Tourism“. In the future, however, they want to focus on sustainable and socially responsible tourism. This includes the integration of local initiatives for environmental protection, the promotion of small businesses and the rural population. Aha. But I want to see how they can do that in the middle of the jungle.

Internship – Sustainability in tourism 2023

Paper is known to be very patient. And if you are 1000 km away from this country, they can quickly tell you something. I have to take a closer look. So I started looking for internships. And I quickly found what I was looking for. I agreed on everything and let me take a leave of absence on my job. „Fesch“. Everything I have fits exactly into a backpack. Wonderful. So little responsibility. It’s a good start.

Local inspection – the party is over

Costa Rica is home to five percent of all animal species known worldwide on an area of only 30,000 square kilometers, a quarter alone is a pure protected area. You can also see reforested areas again and again, as this has been very important in recent years.

The Central American country, which has abolished its army and 99 percent of whose energy supply comes from renewable sources, is admittedly a prime example of landscape conservation in the region.

Sustainability in tourism soon or later
the party is over…

Implementation – Sustainability in tourism 2023

Of course, a great deal of infrastructure is still needed for perfect implementation. Especially in the remote areas around Samara. The beaches here are still heavily littered, also beside the streets one finds again and again burnt heaps of private garbage. The inhabitants of Costa Rica also suffer from poverty and unemployment despite great progress.

It is clearly recognizable that the majority of the population is active in trade, service, manufacturing or agriculture. Sectors such as transport, construction, etc. are low in percentage terms in this figure, as most workers in these sectors are employed unofficially and without secure employment contracts. Such conditions are unlikely to exist in any country today.

Air pollution

One of the probably most important points is that of air pollution. In Costa Rica in particular, the increase in vehicles on the roads has a direct impact on air quality. This is particularly the case in urban areas. The WHO’s recommended limit values are regularly exceeded. In San Jose, for example, there is a buzz of vehicles of all kinds almost 24 hours a day. The noise level alone is unbearable. I myself could not stand it there for 18 hours (incl. not being able to sleep because of the stuffy air and the horns).

Consumer awareness

Sustainable consumer behaviour as an „idea“ in Costa Rica is definitely tangible and visible at every corner. There are numerous Frutterias or Organic Stores. Also in all supermarkets there is almost always an „organic variant“ to choose from. Sustainable consumer behaviour, however, also means buying socially and environmentally compatible products and minimising the ecological, economic, cultural and social consequences and costs of one’s own consumption. But how should this be possible due to the income gap? Organic products are much more expensive. In other respects, food prices are almost the same as in Europe.

Waste awareness

Sustainability in tourism 2023
Sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders, as well as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus building.


In contrast to Europe, plastic bags are rarely or never available in shops. Very praiseworthy. It is also always a sign to be found to do without plastic. Also in public parks there are signs with the call to recycle. Wall paintings with the request to consciously deal with water can be found in the cities at several corners. Also there are no more plastic straws for a long time. The annoying straws are made of organic coconut or recyclable materials.

Plastic Bullshit – sustainable tourism essay – mail: 

Future – Sustainability in tourism 2023

I think the alignment is very good. Consciousness is there. The willingness to renounce as well. Everybody knows sustainability. You live in harmony with nature. If the population shows the way, you as a tourist can only join in directly. And my experience? It makes life so simple and therefore so worth living. Every guest I had the pleasure of welcoming as an intern was grateful. It is noticeable and does you good. Above all, it recharges the batteries in a very impressive and inconspicuous way. Sustainability in tourism in Costa Rica can be made possible, if we all work together.

no tourism no plastic
Sustainability in tourism ? goals of sustainable tourism
Stumbling blocks

There is a lack of (state) support so that implementation can succeed. Perhaps an organised waste system. Due to the numerous groups among the millenials that can be felt everywhere, this is only a question of time.

A very good orientation – Pura Vida – sustainability in tourism in Costa Rica is not just a simple phrase, it is almost growing.  what de fuck is going on?

You’re looking for a natural idyll, then just this way.

Want back to landing page – this way.- 

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fight Against the Machine

Food of the jungle


Kämpfen oder verstecken

Kämpfen oder verstecken?

Kämpfen oder verstecken? – Bargeld ist Leben

Kämpfen oder verstecken? Scheissen wir uns in die Hose, oder haben wir noch Stolz, Würde, Selbstachtung?

Wenn ein Organismus Gefahr wahrnimmt, hat er zwei Möglichkeiten:       

fliehen oder kämpfen – Stolz, Würde, Selbstachtung?

Schenken wir vielen international bekannten Ökonomen, wie Prof. Kenneth Rogoff, Beachtung, dann wird über eine Abschaffung des Bargeldes nachgedacht und sogar bereits gefordert. Dies führt die Gesellschaft immer mehr in Abhängigkeiten und Überwachung. Da müssen wir wieder raus kommen. Die Frage ist wie?

Sie werden mit der Einführung von digitalen geld scheitern, aber es schein gerade alles in Stücke zu fallen.

Kämpfen oder verstecken

und die Probleme verstehen. Zu einer Welt nur mit digitalen Währungen muss sich jeder diese Fragen stellen:

Vertrauen wir der Politik, dass diese uns nicht zu einem gläsernen Bürger macht und unser Leben mit Hilfe von „Social Credit-Systemen“ kontrollieren möchte?

Was geschieht, wenn der Strom ausfällt und nichts mehr funktioniert?

Kämpfen oder uns verstecken?
Wird es einen Welt-Krieg geben? Genaues weiß man nicht genau. Und wenn doch ? Dann ist es zu spät zum fliehen! Alle haben dann die Arschkarte gezogen und sitzen in der Falle.

Jetzt geht es nur noch nach unten
schnell sich absetzen und vorbereitet sein.


Wie sieht unsere Welt aus, wenn die Ereignisse eintreffen, welche vom WEF1 mit dem Cyber-Polygon2 simuliert wurden?

Was geschieht, wenn es Hackern gelingt systemrelevante Bereiche lahmzulegen?

Kämpfen oder verstecken?
mein Leben am Strand von Costa Rica – unter der Palme 7


mein Leben am Strand von Costa Rica –

unter der Palme 7 Kämpfen oder verstecken?

aktiv werden

Deshalb müssen wir dringend aktiv werden. Am Wochenende kam es nun erstmals auch in der EU zu Massenprotesten gegen die drohende Verarmung weiter Teile der Bevölkerung. In Prag gingen am Samstag rund 70.000 Menschen auf die Straße Angeprangert wurde zudem die massive Unterstützung von EU und NATO für den Ukraine-Krieg. 

Sein Leben in die eigene Hand nehmen.

Aber auch flucht kann Sinn machen. Zum Beispiel die Flucht der Juden, die sich das leisten konnten, aus Nazi Deutschland. Durch ihre Fluch haben sie zumindest überlebt. Und wenn sie einen guten Job oder wissen hatten wurden sie auch gerne genommen.

Was sagt die Wissenschaft?

Die Kampf- oder Fluchtreaktion ist eine automatische physiologische Reaktion auf ein Ereignis, das als stressig oder beängstigend wahrgenommen wird. Die Wahrnehmung von Bedrohung aktiviert das sympathische Nervensystem und löst eine akute Stressreaktion aus, die den Körper auf den Kampf oder die Flucht vorbereitet.

evolutionäre Anpassungen

Diese Reaktionen sind evolutionäre Anpassungen, um die Überlebenschancen in bedrohlichen Situationen zu erhöhen. Eine zu häufige, intensive oder unangemessene Aktivierung des Kampfes oder der Fluchtreaktion ist an einer Reihe klinischer Erkrankungen beteiligt, einschließlich der meisten Angststörungen. Ein hilfreicher Teil der Behandlung von Angstzuständen ist ein besseres Verständnis des Zwecks und der Funktion des Kampfes oder der Fluchtreaktion. 

Geschichte des Kampfes oder der Fluchtreaktion

Die Kampf- oder Flugreaktion wurde ursprünglich vom amerikanischen Physiologen Walter Bradford Cannon im Buch beschrieben Körperliche Veränderungen in Schmerz, Hunger, Angst und Wut ( 1915 ). Er bemerkte, dass ihre Körper das Hormon Adrenalin freisetzten, wenn Tiere bedroht wurden, beispielsweise durch Exposition gegenüber einem Raubtier / Adrenalin, das zu einer Reihe von körperlichen Veränderungen führen würde, einschließlich erhöhter Herzfrequenz und Atmung.

Die Folgen dieser Veränderungen sind eine Zunahme des Sauerstoff- und Energieflusses zu den Muskeln. Canons Interpretation dieser Daten war, dass es gab Notfallfunktionen dieser Änderungen. Er bemerkte, dass sie automatisch passierten und der Funktion dienten, dem Tier zu helfen, bedrohliche Situationen zu überleben, indem sie den Körper auf Kämpfe oder Laufen vorbereiteten. 

neueres Verständnis – kampf, flucht, erstarrung unterwerfung

Ein moderneres Verständnis des Kampfes oder der Flugreaktion spiegelt sich in der Arbeit von Schauer & Elbert ( 2010 ) wider. Ihr ausgefeilteres Modell physiologischer / psychologischer / verhaltensbezogener Reaktionen auf Bedrohungen wird als ‘ Verteidigungskaskade ’ bezeichnet. Sie beschreiben eine Reihe von Phasen, die Personen durchlaufen können, die einer Bedrohung oder einem Trauma ausgesetzt sind, darunter: Einfrieren, Flucht, Kampf, Schreck, Flagge und Ohnmacht.

Taucht die Frage auf: wie real ist die Furcht?

Also wenn das Banken system zusammenbricht erübrigt sich die Frage

Ausgesprochen lobenswert. 

kampf oder flucht-reaktion psychologie – kampf-oder-flucht-reaktion symptome – Bananen Republik – 

kampf oder flucht-reaktion einfach erklärt – kampf oder flucht-reaktion beispiel – 


Palme 7 am Meer Was will ein Mensch im Leben erleben?


Tours Costa Rica

Tours costa rica Suggestions

Tours Costa Rica Suggestions

Tours costa rica Suggestions – There are countless possibilities for tours, at this point I would like to suggest a few. Basically, it is for example possible to do trips to the nearby waterfalls, to do crocodile tours, coffee tours, dolfintours, riding-, surfing-, canoeing- and rafting tours.

The important thing is what you are interested in personally, according to your needs we can put together ideas.

Some interesting goals to give you an impression:

Volcano Rincon de la Vieja – Tours Suggestions

You can go on a day trip to the almost 1,900 m high volcano Rincon where you can enjoy mud baths and hot springs with about 45 degrees Celsius. The volcano is still active and is located in the surrounding of La Vieja National Park where bubbling mud holes can be see. The travel time from the hotel to the volcano is about 3 hours, to stay overnight is possible, as well.

Parque Nacional Barra Honda

is about 23 square kilometers, hosts a tropical dry forest and is known for a large cave system. To the park, where you can hike well, it is a 1.5 hours journey.

Palo Verde National Park and the Rio Tempisque

The Rio Tempisque is with 138 km the longest river in Costa Rica. It runs from the Cordillera Guanacaste to the Palo Verde National Park and enters into the Gulf of Nicoya. Moreover it is possible to take a day trip by boat and watch crocodiles, birds and other exotic animals accompanied by a local guide. The trip to the river takes about 1.5 hours.

Coffee Tour in Santa Elena and Waterfalls

You can do a trip to an organic coffee plantation in Santa Elena which lies almost 1000 meters above sea level.

A magnificent view over the valleys of Nicoya in typical landscape is guaranteed.

Here hardly any tourists come to visit, you will only meet villagers.

The local waterfalls are not far away in Belen. Those are cascades that are nice for swimming.

Afterwards, visiting a typical Costa Rican restaurant with a beautiful view on another waterfall is possible.

The Arenal Volcano

Until a few months ago, the Arenal was one of the most active volcanoes in the world, the last major eruption was in 1968. Recently, however, he had reduced his activities severely. He is the youngest volcano in Costa Rica and has a height of about 1,500 m.

Meanwhile, the area has become very touristy and because of the discontinued activities of the volcano we only do trips to the Arenal by special request. Travel time from the hotel is about 4 hours, it is possible to a stop in the small town of La Fortuna, at the foot of Arenal to enjoy the hot springs and a waterfall.

Another possible destination is the town of Tamarindo and the Tamarindo bay which is well suited for surfing. The fishing village of San Juanilo, the palm beach of Carrillo and the Poas Volcano also invite for a visit.

Fantastic beaches in the area are Barrigona, Barco cebrado, Garza, Giones, Carrillo, Islita and Bejuco.

More interesting tours .

Prices can be provided upon request and are calculated according to your selected tour.

Hoteltip costa rica samara lodge

Kontakt 2023

KOntakt 2022

Kontakt 2023 zur Palme 7 costa rica

Stay in touch mit dem Strand und der Hängematte und in der Eco Lodge Costa Rica Samara werden Sie schnell Entspannung und inneren Frieden finden.

Raus aus dem Dreck, rein in die positive Energie,

anrufen – mail schreiben – per Pox


Kontakt zu Palme 7 in Costa Rica beach


P.O. Box: Sámara 55
Costa Rica

Tel. Markus:
(506) 86060333

Tel. Hotel:
(506) 88328195

E-Mail Markus:

E-Mail Dschungel Hotel:
Dschungel Hotel 


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